Politics Professor tackles climate change in "How to Fix..." podcast series

Head of the School of Politics and International Studies Richard Beardsworth together with other Leeds academics addresses the politics of climate change in University of Leeds podcast series.

As citizens we have to put increasing pressure on Governments to actually take up their responsibilities to steer the financial markets towards just and effective solutions.

Professor Richard Beardsworth

Climate change is the biggest issue humanity faces, so how do we reach net zero? And how can we ensure a carbon-free future that is fair and just for all?

The “How to Fix…” series brings together seven interdisciplinary panels of academics to discuss how their research could help to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. These podcasts aim to make the University’s research and innovation accessible to as wide an audience as possible.

The series is presented by broadcaster and alum Rich Williams, who graduated from the University in 2004 with a degree in Political Studies.

In episode 6, host Rich Williams is joined by Clare Richardson-Barlow, Lecturer in East Asian Studies, Vera Trappmann, Professor of Comparative Employment Relations, and Richard Beardsworth, Professor of International Politics and Head of the School of Politics and International Studies.

As Richard states, “Climate change is among us, even among those more temperate regions of the world. Critical to addressing climate change effectively – in alignment with the target of average temperature increase of 1.5C by the end of the century – is the undergoing energy transition from fossil fuels to clean energy technologies.

There is a huge amount going on to this end, but also (as we see every day) major risks: political, economic and social resistance to change, individuals and communities left behind, lack of political will to build effective momentum, etc.

Doing this podcast with the editorial and technical team and with two experts on Just Transition was important in this context: not only to communicate the stakes, but also to point with both optimism and realistic caution towards the making of our carbon-neutral future.”

The “How to Fix…” series will be available to listen to on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Listen to “How to Fix…” at Podmasters.