MP Harriet Harman: From Pioneers to Parity? 100 years of Female Suffrage
Senior MP Harriet Harman was on campus last Thursday evening to commemorate the achievements of pioneering Yorkshire MP Alice Bacon who in 1945 became Yorkshire’s first female MP.
Ms Harman’s lecture, From Pioneers to Parity? 100 Years of Female Suffrage, was given in the Great Hall to an audience including current students, staff and members of the public.
Cristina Hall, a current Politics student who worked at the event commented: "I really enjoyed working at the first Alice Bacon lecture here at the University of Leeds. It was inspiring to hear Harriet Harman speak about both her achievements and the achievements of Alice Bacon and learn more about the lives of these two pioneering women in Parliament."
This lecture is the first in what will become a regular series of lectures aimed at commemorating the achievements of Leeds women – both locally and nationally.