
Results 1806 to 1810 of 1982 in all schools

Henry Yeomans

Dr Yeomans has won the inaugural Socio-Legal Studies Association prize for his book ‘Alcohol and Moral Regulations: Public Attitudes, Spirited Measures and Victorian Hangovers'.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Last month LLB Graduate Programme student Enyeribe Oguh was invited to the House of Commons to speak to the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee about constitutional reform.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

The discussion took place on 3 March at the behest of the Independent Committee on Standards in Public Life.

The survey is one of the largest ever undertaken in the industry, asking 240 sex workers, and was undertaken in partnership with National Ugly Mugs.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

On the 25 February 2015 Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty, the UK’s leading civil liberties NGO, delivered the School’s 2015 Annual Liberty Lecture.