The School of Law builds international relations in China
Director of the Leeds Social Sciences Institute, Adam Crawford visited Universities in China to develop international relations with Schools of Law and Criminal Justice in June 2015.
Hogan Lovells Bursary Scheme Award Winners
International law firm Hogan Lovells has awarded £1,000 to the School of Law in what will become an annual bursary scheme
Dirty Asset: Comparative and international aspects of criminal and terrorism financing
The third symposium in the ‘Dirty Assets’ series of events will be hosted at the University of Tilburg on October 26 & 27 2015.
Jörg Wiegratz - No Country for Dirty Money on The Conversation
Dr. Jörg Wiegratz examines the debate surrounding crime and corruption in the global economy in his article entitled "No country for dirty money: behind Britain's populist promise on corruption".
The Community of Restorative Researchers gains an International Advisory Board
The Community of Restorative Researchers recruits an International Advisory Board (IAB), comprising members from a wide range of professions.