Debating Secretary Jack Wray shares his experience ahead of the Debating Final
"In LawSoc you meet people who are in your year and also with people in the years above and below because you go to the same socials, it removes that academic year barrier."
Google tax deal sparks frustration as UK MPs struggle with information void
PhD student Michael Randall, argues that the lack of transparency surrounding global money flows at multinational corporations, results in few people having knowledge of what is owed and to whom.
Professor Rita de la Feria presents VAT law proposal to Government and Parliament in East Timor
In November 2015, Professor Rita de la Feria was appointed as a tax advisor to the Government of East Timor, with responsibility for drafting a new VAT law for the country.
Dr Cristina Stefan discusses Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect with Qatar Armed Forces
Last week, Dr Cristina Stefan gave several presentations at the Joaan Bin Jassim Joint Command and Staff College in Doha, Qatar.
Does the law really protect sex workers?
Research student Laura Connolly (Sociology and Social Policy) writes about the criminalisation of clients in the sex industry being detrimental.