
Results 1531 to 1535 of 1981 in all schools

This article applies a critical reading of Stephen Skowronek’s account of leadership in ‘political time’ to evaluate David Cameron’s premiership.

all schools news archive | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Leeds

Dr Richard Hayton has been quoted in a news item for Bloomberg about Theresa May’s relationship with key colleagues.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

School of Law PhD student, Diane Ryland has attended and participated in three significant contributory Working Group 16 meetings held at the World Organisation for Animal Health.

Dr Emma Wincup co-organised a roundtable event at the House of Lords on 13 December 2016 on the theme ‘Making the case for social security in an era of welfare state myths and stigma’.

Professor Bauman

Professor Zygmunt Bauman, celebrated as one of the greatest social thinkers of our times, passed away on Monday 9 December at home in Leeds. He was 91.