
Results 1491 to 1495 of 1981 in all schools

The Centre was established in 1987 to pursue research into criminal justice systems and criminological issues and has since grown to become one of the leading criminological centres of its kind.

Crowd in a tunnel

In the face of ever-growing Islamophobia across Europe, the School of Sociology and Social Policy is pleased to announce details of the forthcoming Counter-Islamophobia Kit.

Second year student Hannah Macaulay's touching interview with Zygmunt Bauman published in The Gryphon.

Ask any person with a slight relation to the field, and they will tell you that Zygmunt Bauman can be described as nothing less than the Polish Mick Jagger of contemporary sociology.

undergraduate research and leadership scholarships (UGRLs)

In 2017 the Faculty of Education, Social Sciences and Law is able to offer three undergraduate research and leadership scholarships (UGRLs).

New teacher leading in learning in a classroom.

Aisha Walker, Associate Professor in Technology, Education and Learning is quoted in the Financial Times article, Learning tailored for the iPad generation.