
Results 121 to 125 of 1979 in all schools

Graphic with four avatars engaging in learning

The programme team behind the ‘MSc Disability Studies, Rights and Inclusion’ course has won the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Award for Case Studies in Ethical Edtech.

Dr Tesfalem Yemane stands in graduation cap and gown, holding a bouquet of flowers, in front of the sculpture in Beech Grove Plaza.

In December 2023, Dr Tesfalem Yemane graduated from the School of Sociology and Social Policy with a PhD and a special mention for Research Excellence.

Academy of Social Sciences logo and Cristina Leston Bandeira

POLIS would like to congratulate Professor Leston-Bandeira for being recognised by the Academy of Social Sciences for her contributions to social science.

Text on a red background and a photograph of Beech Grove Plaza. 
Text reads: 
"Faculty of Social Sciences Inaugural Lecture Series.
School of Education
School of Law
School of Politics and International Studies,
School of Sociology and Social Policy.

The series is being launched to celebrate the promotion to or appointment at the rank of Professor of academic colleagues across all four Schools in the Faculty since 2020.

White replica...

A century ago, two British Empire Exhibitions received 17 million and 9 million visitors respectively in Wembley, London in an apparent effort to showcase and expand British colonial activity.