School celebrates graduates
On Monday the 22 July the School came together to celebrate graduation.
Dr Subhajit Basu shares expertise on securing India’s Aadhaar ID system on Risk Roundup
In the Risk Roundup webcast Dr Basu summarises some of the difficulties securing India’s Aadhaar ID system.
Northern Notes blog: The Poetics of Academic Writing
In the latest post on Northern Notes blog, Dr Rodanthi Tzanelli reconsiders the politics and poetics of academic writing in an age of uncertainty over personal values and commitments.
Should 'war exclusion' clauses apply to network hacks?
PhD candidate Natasha Gooden and Associate Professor Subhajit Basu have written an article for The Register in the wake of the NotPetya cyber-attack.
What makes a good prime minister? Professor Kevin Theakston shares his tips for Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson has begun his premiership as leader of the United Kingdom. Professor Kevin Theakston shares his thoughts with HuffPost on what makes an effective prime minister.