
Results 981 to 985 of 1820 in all schools

Professor Whelan has been nominated for a prestigious ‘Antitrust Writing Award’, the winners of which will be revealed at a gala dinner in Washington DC in March 2019.

Professor Gerard McCormack, Principal Investigator of the ESRC-sponsored Chinese Law Project, attended a conference for the project in Wuhan, China on 15 December 2018.

Professor Pinar Akman

Professor Pinar Akman provided training to over thirty national judges from different EU Member States.

Alice Bacon MP

The Alice Bacon lecture series continues this evening with a public address from the Rt Hon Baroness Brenda Hale, the same day Baroness Alice Bacon is honoured with a Leeds Civic Trust Blue Plaque.

Professor Norma Martin Clement

Professor Norma Martin Clement has presented findings from her LITE project on The Uses and Impact of Collaborative Lecture Theatres at a meeting of the International Association of Law Schools.