
Results 946 to 950 of 1976 in all schools

2Dr stylianous interview

The virus pandemic has caused instability in global markets, including cryptoasset markets.

Image of city landscape

The latest post on Northern Notes blog discusses how Covid-19 is changing diasporas.

Dr Subhajit Basu smiling

Dr Basu has been interviewed by the New Statesman about his views on the potential implications that tracking mobile location data could have if used by the UK government in response to coronavirus.

Leeds law surya p subedi

The University of Oxford has established two law prizes named after University of Leeds Professor and Oxford alumnus Professor Surya P. Subedi QC, OBE, DCL.

Wbbn final6

Women Breaking Barriers (WWB) are a network which is designed to connect future women leaders and provide them with inspirational role models.