
Results 946 to 950 of 1820 in all schools

Graphic image of black round lines forming partial circles, like a maze, with a red dot in the centre, like a target. Beneath the image is written CERS in large letters, with 'Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies' to the right.

Dr Amina Easat-Daas has signed an open letter in The Guardian condemning Islamophobia in the wake of the Christchurch mass shooting that has shocked the world.

Dr Mitchell Travis at the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs

Dr Mitchell Travis presented a public lecture at the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs in Oslo.

European Union flag

Dr Eglantine Staunton has written in The Conversation about the historic “joint presidency” of France and Germany in the UN Security Council.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Professor Pinar Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, was an invited speaker at the inaugural OECD Competition Open Day in Paris on 27 February 2019.

Students are taking action this week in a gesture of support for a Salford family following a racist attack on the family’s home last month.