
Results 901 to 905 of 1975 in all schools

Social Sciences Building on campus

Politics at Leeds has been ranked in the top 20 in the UK according to the Complete University Guide 2021.

Badge showing Leeds is in the top 100 universities in the QS World Rankings

Leeds has moved up two places in the QS World Rankings, again appearing in the top 100 for 2021.

Badge showing Leeds is in the top 100 universities in the QS World Rankings

Leeds has moved up two places in the QS World Rankings, again appearing in the top 100 for 2021.

LEaP Programme 2019-20

The LEaP Project is funded by Cerebra, a national charity helping children with brain conditions and their families to discover a better life together. 

On 9 June 2020, Professor Whelan discussed his research at a Competition Policy Roundtable organised by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).