
Results 856 to 860 of 1975 in all schools

Professor Theakston, Professor of British Government, co-authored the article with Dr Byrne (Leeds Beckett University) and Dr Randall (Newcastle University).

Data on a computer screen

The School of Law’s Dr Subhajit Basu has co-authored an article examining the sharing of NHS health data.

Professor leston bandeira book cover

We were delighted to hear that Professor Leston-Bandeira’s book Exploring Parliament was ranked 25th of 100 greatest British politics books, being the top book on the UK Parliament.

International hand

The Centre for Language Education Research (CLER) has reached out to language teachers around the world to curate a collection of stories and experiences about lockdown.

Summer Tax Workshop Series

For the past 13 weeks, the School of Law’s Dr Leopoldo Parada and Professor Leandra Lederman (Indiana University Maurer School of Law) have been running the Indiana/Leeds Summer Tax Workshop Series.