Professor Luke Clements provides legal advice on COVID-19 powers and the impact on disabled people in the UK
Professor Clements is quoted in recent articles in the Mirror and MSN UK entitled “Matt Hancock told Covid-19 powers 'cast aside disabled people' and break the law”.
Dr Timothy Heppell quoted in the Guardian
Dr Heppell, lecturer in British politics, shares his insight on the recent announcement of a second Conservative party headquarters to be located in Leeds.
Professor Paul Wragg gives advice to the Yorkshire Evening Post on their ‘Call It Out’ Campaign
Professor Wragg is an expert on press regulation and free speech theory.
New director of the Bauman Institute appointed
We are pleased to announce that Professor Adrian Favell is the new director of the Bauman Institute.
Dr Marketa Dolezalova commences her ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the School of Sociology and Social Policy
Dr Marketa Dolezalova is joining the School of Sociology and Social Policy for her 12-month ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship.