
Results 711 to 715 of 1973 in all schools

Portrait Professor Surya Subedi.

The article titled “Legal Personality – The International Human Rights Jurist: Surya Subedi QC” features in the April edition of “Counsel” – the monthly journal of the Bar of England and Wales.

Cerebra Project team

Cerebra is a children’s charity concerned with improving the lives of children with neurological conditions and their families.

Natasha gooden law

The conference organised by Adamas University, India, on 'Global ramification on international human rights: challenges and the way forward' was held virtually over Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 April.

liberty building external

Three School of Law academics have recently graduated from the University of Leeds’ PGCAP (Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice).

We invite you to catch up on our Spring term recordings, featuring research on the gentrification of green protest, utility company corruption, videogaming-extremism links and Northern party politics.