
Results 501 to 505 of 1820 in all schools

Rachael O'Connor

Rachael O'Connor's project entitled 'Setting expectations and shaping our practice: an exploration of academic personal tutoring in partnership with minoritised students' commences in September 2021.

Community munucipal investments mark davis

On 13 July, the UK’s Green Finance Institute launched a national campaign to help local authorities issue a new type of municipal finance investment – Local Climate Bonds.

Leopoldo parada consulting on tax levy

Dr Leopoldo Parada was quoted in Tax Notes, US specialised written tax media, regarding the proposed EU digital levy and the comments of European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager

Through co-designed educational engagement activities, the Keepin' it Real project aims to increase knowledge and understanding of the science related to disease control.

The piece published in The Conversation is entitled 'Theresa May joint worst post-war prime minister, say historians and politics professors in new survey'.