Dr Andrea Hollomotz wins ESRC Future Research Leaders award
Lecturer in Social Research Methods, Disability and Deviance, Dr Andrea Hollomotz, has recently been recognised by the ESRC for her research into Adapted Sex Offender Treatment Programs .
Dr Kirsteen Paton discusses the economic and social effects of the Commonwealth Games
The article entitled "Behind the fence: the side of Glasgow games youre not meant to see" discusses these issues which were uncovered as part of a research project.
Dr Jana Javornik discusses shared parental leave proposals
How to create a new, more equal system which allows both parents to keep a strong link to their workplace.
Aidan Foster-Carter comments on Xi Jinping’s visit to South Korea
Aidan Foster-Carter is quoted "'No previous Chinese leader has put South Korea before and above the North like this."
Ruth Patrick's research condemns scroungers hype as urban myth
The study by the School of Sociology and Social Policy followed 22 claimants from the city between 2011 and 2013.