Valuing Carers 2015: The rising value of carers' support
Valuing Carers 2015 – the rising value of carers’ support is the third in a series of research reports looking at the value to the UK economy of the support provided by unpaid carers.
Prof Ian Law quoted in Guardian article on the rise of Islamophobia
The majority of British Muslims say they have witnessed discrimination against followers of the Islamic faith and that a climate of hate is being driven by politicians and media, a study has found.
Why the demolition of Glasgow's Red Road tower block is an attack on social housing
Originally published on The Conversation, Dr Kirsteen Paton's article ‘Why the demolition of Glasgow's Red Road tower block is an attack on social housing‘ was featured in The Independent.
Dr Tzanelli co-edits special issue of International Journal of the Anthropology of Tourism
It has been repeatedly argued that we live in precarious times: the proliferation of as diverse risk scenarios and real life events has suggested to some that the end of tourism might be nigh
Mind the gap: representations and lived realities of 'welfare' and welfare reform
The film, which builds on research by Ruth Patrick challenges the idea of benefits as a lifestyle choice and shows just what getting by on benefits during times of welfare reform can entail.