Chong Liu, postgraduate researcher, quoted in The Japan Times
The article summaries the ongoing debates around sexuality education sparked by a law amendment in China that will make sex education mandatory starting next year.
Feeding the Nation: seasonal migrant workers and food security during the COVID-19 pandemic
New research initiative investigates seasonal migrant work and food security during COVID-19 pandemic.
The Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies has appointed a new director
We are pleased to announce that Dr Ipek Demir is the new director of Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies.
New director of the Bauman Institute appointed
We are pleased to announce that Professor Adrian Favell is the new director of the Bauman Institute.
Dr Marketa Dolezalova commences her ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the School of Sociology and Social Policy
Dr Marketa Dolezalova is joining the School of Sociology and Social Policy for her 12-month ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship.