Northern Notes: the Arab Uprisings ten years on

Throughout May Northern Notes is exploring the theme of the Arab Uprisings ten years on.
Research Fellow and Northern Notes Co-editor, Dr Sarah Marusek, started the series with ‘The Arab Uprisings: A Series of Decolonial Reflections Ten Years On’.
In the second post of the series, ‘Ten Years of Syrian Revolutionary Narratives and Repertoires’, Dr Andrew Delatolla, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies at the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, reflects on how the transnational revolutionary thrust of the Arab Uprisings continues to play out in Syria.
Dr Marusek’s second piece, ‘Writing the Arab Uprisings: Some Dystopian reflections from Egypt’, discusses how dystopian imaginations are responding to the rise and fall of the Arab Uprisings, showing how disillusionment has fuelled two Egyptian writers to create alternative worlds to critically engage with the failed revolutionary experience in Egypt.