Professor Surya Subedi appointed an Honorary Queen’s Counsel (QC)

Professor and Barrister, Surya P Subedi, OBE, Professor of International Law, has been appointed an Honorary Queen’s Counsel (QC) for his contribution to international law and human rights.
A press release issued by the Government on 12 January 2017 states that Professor Subedi had made “an exceptional contribution over a sustained period at the international level to develop international law and to advance human rights.”
Professor Subedi is one of five distinguished legal academics and law practitioners that have been appointed as honorary QCs by Her Majesty the Queen upon the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor after an assessment of all nominations by a high-level committee consisting of senior representatives from various organisations in the field of law and justice. The award of Honorary Queen’s Counsel is made to qualified lawyers and legal academics who have made a major contribution to the law of England & Wales outside practice in the courts.
Commenting on his appointment as an Honorary QC, Professor Subedi said: "I feel extremely honoured to have been appointed an Honorary Queen’s Counsel in recognition of my work in international law and human rights. As an institution with a global outlook, Leeds University has provided a congenial and stimulating environment that is conducive to making a contribution to a wider national and international community. It would not have been possible for me to develop international law and advance human rights without the assistance of my colleagues in the School of Law and I am grateful to them.”
The following is the full citation published by the British Government in a press release on 12 January 2012 announcing the appointment of Professor Subedi as an Hon QC: