Professor Graham Dutfield invited to present at the joint World Trade Organization – WIPO Colloquium

Graham Dutfield was invited by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Academy to participate in the joint World Trade Organization – WIPO Colloquium.
Before an audience of intellectual property legal academics from around the world assembled at the WTO headquarters in Geneva, Graham talked about the Law School’s LLM on Intellectual Property Law and gave two presentations. The first was on how to teach and conduct research on traditional knowledge and intellectual property. The second was on methods of teaching intellectual property law to students having mixed disciplinary backgrounds.
On 1 July, Graham Dutfield gave a lunchtime presentation before the Law and History group of University of Technology Sydney. Speaking alongside Professor Lionel Bently (University of Cambridge), the title of Graham’s paper was "The evolving role of branding in pharmaceutical lifecycle management: Implications for competition and access to medicines".