
Results 151 to 155 of 179 in News intray

James Greenwood-Reeves headshot

The book was based on Dr Greenwood-Reeves' PhD thesis conducted at the University of Leeds.

Professor Pinar Akman

Professor Akman is a Professor of Law in the School of Law, and the Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Digital Governance.

Lone person walking through a tree-lined path in a park at night.

Parks in West Yorkshire should be better designed and managed so that women and girls feel safe throughout the day and after dark, according to a new study.

A log of three blue, transparent overlapping circles in a venn diagram surrounded by words (the name and tag line of the collective)

The Responsibility Collective is a platform for thinking about responsibility critically and collectively.

Dr Subhajit Basu smiling

The Scottish Government is developing the first ever Data Strategy for Health and Social Care in Scotland. A public consultation for the Health and Social Care Data Strategy was launched on 16th May.