Natalie Jackson

Natalie Jackson


I provide administrative support to the Leeds Social Sciences Institute (LSSI).  As Communications Co-orinator I promote LSSI news items and share opportunities amongst the relevant communities within the University of Leeds. Of note, I managed the production of the ‘Co-production Research Toolkit’, a large media project involving the production of videos, podcasts, case studies and professional photography.  This involved researchers from across the university and multiple suppliers of media production.

I am also the link administrator for the University of Leeds for the White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership (WRDTP).  Promoting awareness of and engagement in the work of the DTP through participation in open days, induction, cohort meetings and training sessions.  I provide support to the Programme Director of the MA Social Research (Interdisciplinary), and to the Head of the Graduate School in their role as academic lead for the White Rose DTP.

I am a member of the Centre for Disabilities Studies Steering Group.

I successfully completed the Advance HE's Aurora leadership development initiative for women in 2024.

I joined the University of Leeds in the Business School’s Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies (CEES) in July 2017.  As CEES Centre Administrator, I promoted the work of the Centre, and the enterprise opportunities available to students from across the whole university.  I have many years experience as an administrator within various sectors, including West Yorkshire Police (HR), primary education and the private sector. 

Research groups and institutes

  • Leeds Social Science Institute