Jack Oortwyn
- Email: lw20jjo@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Transforming the Irresponsible Corporation: The Mitigation of Shareholder Exclusivity through Stakeholder Voice
- Supervisor: Dr Carrie Bradshaw
I came to Leeds in September 2020 to complete a masters in Law and Finance. After completing my Masters course, I have since stayed at the University to advance my reserach to PhD level. My PhD reserach is focused on analysing the role of the corporation in society, with particualr focus on corproate irresponsbility, and how the interplay between shareholder and stakeholder interests impact this. I have a strong interest in analysing the concept of ‘voice’ within the corporation to understand how shareholders and stakeholders impact business decisions.
Before coming to Leeds I was based in Manchester where I acheived my Bsc in Management.
Research interests
My reserach interests are focused on corporate law, corporate social responsbility, corporate purpose and corporate theory.
- Bsc Management
- Msc Law and Finance