Richard Edem Kwadzofio

Richard Edem Kwadzofio


I left the comfort of my family business in Italy to pursue my educational ambitions in England. I initially gained admission to Unity College in London to undertake my A-Level qualifications. However, through hard work and great exuberance towards academic work, I was assisted and supported by the lecturers and the registrar of the school who saw me as a university material. Through their collective commendation I gained admission to a number of universities in England. I was again assisted by my lecturers to choose Canterbury Christ Church University as a place of study. Canterbury, according to them was such a siren place that would support my learning. I pursued Law and Business Studies degree (known by other universities as LLB with Business Studies), majored in law which is the Qualifying Law Degree (QLD) pathway. Only three students in the whole university combined Law with Business Studies at the time. I came out as the best among the three, by attaining a high second-class upper division degree (2.1).

After my degree, I immediately gained admission to Kent Law School, University of Kent in the UK, to undertake my postgraduate studies. I enrolled on the Masters in International Commercial Law (LLM) programme and successfully completed with a high merit. I further studied for a second Masters degree in International Financial Law (LLM) at the Shoool of law, Hertfordshire University in the UK, and finished with a high merit with distinction in my final dissertation; which was titled: ‘The role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in the international financial system, stabilization and development.’

I am currently a PhD in law candidate at the University of Leeds, which is a global top 100 university and a member of the prestigious Russel Group of Universities in the UK. I have research interests in different areas of law. I am currently undertaking my research in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Protection which falls under Corporate Governance. I am using mixed research methods approaches in my doctoral research. I am passionate about sociolegal studies which often times lawyers pay little or no attention to. I am particularly interested in finding out how law impacts society generally. So, matters of legislative efficacy and compliance are of great concern and interest to me. I have previously worked in the following industries; retail (management), hospitality (management), legal (consultancy and practice), Finance (Investment and loans adviser), charity and academia.

Research interests

My research interests include the following:

  • Corporate governance/corporate law.
  • Commercial law.
  • Constituttional law/Public law.
  • Law and development.
  • Foreign Investment Law; with particular interest in FDIs in developing countries.
  • International law; with particular interest on the impact of uti possidetis principle in post-colonial eras in Africa and South America, self-determination, colonialism and neocolonialism.


  • BSc (Hons) Law with Business Studies - Qualifying Law Degree (QLD)
  • Masters Degree in International Commercial Law - (LLM)
  • Masters Degree in International Financial Law - (LLM)