Colin Gregory
- Email: ss04cphg@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: The criminalisation of victims of human trafficking
- Supervisors: Professor Peter Whelan, Dr. Stuart Wallace
I read Politics at Queen Mary University of London, before converting to Law with Distinction in 2013 and achieving a Distinction in the Legal Practice Course in 2015. I worked as a senior caseworker in asylum, human rights and public law from 2009, before qualifying as a Solicitor in England and Wales in 2015. In 2020, I came first overall in my class for an LLM in International Human Rights Law at the University of Leeds, for which I had been awarded a Liberty Scholarship. I am currently funded under a White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership studentship to complete a PhD.
Research interests
My PhD concerns the criminalisation of victims of human trafficking. I am interested in this topic as a result of my legal work in immigration detention centres across England, where I met many trafficking victims who had been through the criminal justice system and were facing deportation when the law ought to have offered them protection. My research focuses mainly on the new statutory defence in England and Wales under section 45 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. I am interested in the interaction between domestic criminal law and international human rights law.
- LLM International Human Rights Law
- MA Social Research (Interdisciplinary)
- BA Hons Politics