Professor Jose Miola appointed as joint Editor in Chief of the Medical Law Review
The Medical Law Review is published by the Oxford University Press and is generally considered to be the preeminent medical law journal in Europe.
School of Law holds International Human Rights Day Roundtable discussion
The event was organised by the School of Law’s Equality, Diversion and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.
School of Law raises money for the Access to Justice Foundation
In place of the 2020 Legal Walk, The Access to Justice Foundation organised a nationwide online fundraising challenge called 'Go the Extra Mile for Justice'.
Dr Subhajit Basu delivers Keynote lecture at international virtual conference
Dr Basu attended the international virtual conference 'Challenges to Law and Technology in the 21st Century' which was organised by Damodaram Sanjivayya from the National Law University, India.
Forbes magazine interviews Dr Konstantinos Stylianou
Dr Stylianou was asked by Forbes to answer questions on milestone antitrust cases brought by the US government against Google and Facebook.