
Results 451 to 455 of 993 in School of Law

Alessia law student2

The ICUR is an annual, two-day academic conference that showcases the best in undergraduate research from around the world.

Camilo gomez new

In the article, Dr Gomez explains that gangs in Latin America could see their popularity rise as a result of them assisting the local residents during the coronavirus pandemic and imposed lockdown.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Dr Hill, a Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Law, has written an article for The Conversation on the 'flaws' of the Madeleine McCann investigation, which has also been covered by i-News.

Sugar the dog

The School of Law is lucky enough to have two dogs who accompany their owners to work in the Liberty Building every day, albeit playing very different roles.

Green field with sheep

COVID-19 and Food Supply: Food Security and the Role of Law.