Professor Akman speaks at inaugural OECD Competition Open Day

Professor Pinar Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, was an invited speaker at the inaugural OECD Competition Open Day in Paris on 27 February 2019.
The Open Day offered a unique opportunity to discuss cutting-edge topics recently addressed by the OECD Competition Committee. Panels at the Open Day focused on vertical restraints in e-commerce; non-price competition in digital markets; excessive prices in pharmaceutical markets; and, gun jumping and pre-closing exchanges of information. The live-streamed event was attended by over 350 delegates and the webcast was watched in 45 countries.
Professor Akman spoke on the panel concerning vertical restraints in e-commerce, which included discussions on selective distribution models and most-favoured-nation clauses adopted in the e-commerce context, and their assessment in competition law. The recording of the panel is available here.
The agenda of the OECD Competition Open Day is available here.