Student Holly wins Police Prize
Law student Holly Berner has won the West Yorkshire Police prize for most outstanding student performance on the undergraduate programme BA Criminal Justice and Criminology.
Holly received her prize money of £250 from Assistant Chief Constable David Evans, on behalf of West Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Sir Norman Bettison, on 17 July 2009.
The West Yorkshire Police Prize for outstanding student performance in BA Criminal Justice and Criminology is a collaboration driven by Detective Chief Inspector Mark Griffin of the Drug and Offender Management Unit at West Yorkshire Police and Programme Manager Stuart Lister at the School of Law. This award recognises the value of academia in supporting crime reduction through the offender management programme.
DCI Mark Griffin said: "Creating safer communities through the intensive management of offenders is our core business here at the Drug and Offender Management Unit at West Yorkshire Police.
The endless cycle of offending, arrest, custody, release and re-offending has to be broken to reduce crime and the number of victims of crime. By securing the interest of some of the brightest minds in the country, we hope to ensure that the issue of offender behaviour and the key triggers to their offending are fully explored."
The total sponsorship from West Yorkshire Police comes in two parts with a further £250 being given to a postgraduate student on completion of a dissertation around offending behaviour and opportunities to reduce harm to communities.
Stuart Lister said: "The University of Leeds is committed to inspiring our students to develop their full potential, so we are delighted that, through the generous support of West Yorkshire Police, we are able to recognise and reward Holly's excellent academic performance.
This sponsorship arrangement also demonstrates the strong and mutually beneficial links that have developed between the School of Law and West Yorkshire Police."
Assistant Chief Constable David Evans said: "Both these sponsorships are an ongoing annual commitment by West Yorkshire Police, thereby strengthening even further the strong links established with Leeds University Centre for Criminal Justice Studies over the past few years. I am delighted to be able to present the award to Holly Berner, who obviously has a bright future ahead of her."