Professor Ian Cram speaks at a House of Commons conference organised by the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee

Ian Cram, Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law, presented a paper at the House of Commons for the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee on the 11 December 2014.
The conference, held by the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee and chaired by Graham Allen MP, was entitled ‘A new Magna Carta? A constitution for the 21st Century’, and aimed to examine the prospects for constitutional codification in the next Parliament.
Professor Cram’s paper was entitled, ‘Can agreement be reached on a Bill of Rights for the constitution?’.
Other speakers at the event included Professor Robert Blackburn, Professor Lord Morgan, Richard Gordon QC, Chris Byrant MP and Nick Pearce from the IPPR, amongst others.
This conference was one in a series of four expert seminars held by the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee intended to examine the written constitution blueprint, covering a range of themes such as executive powers, local government, the second chamber of Parliament and the role of the judiciary.
The seminars were held part of a wider consultation by the Committee on the three blue prints for codifying the UK’s constitution set out in the report, A new Magna Carta?, published in July 2014. The consultation will close on the 1 January 2015 and a report will be published in due course.