Professor Michael Thomson contributes to working party report
On 22 June 2017, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published a new report entitled Cosmetic procedures: ethical issues.
The report makes a series of recommendations that highlight areas of concern for the practice and promotion of invasive cosmetic procedures in the UK.
Michael Thomson, Professor of Health Law and Director of the Centre for Law & Social Justice at the University of Leeds, was a member of the Working Party that conducted the research.
The report details how “the growing use of invasive cosmetic procedures in the UK, and the absence of a coherent regulatory framework governing their use, received high levels of public attention in 2013 with the publication of the ‘Keogh report ’.
This report made wide-ranging recommendations to improve the safety of those using both surgical and non-surgical invasive cosmetic procedures. While some of these recommendations have been followed through, significant safety concerns remain.”