The School of Law welcomes back alumna Elizabeth Kelly to speak to current students

On Wednesday 29 March the School of Law welcomed back alumna Elizabeth Kelly, now a detective in the Greater Manchester Police.
School of Law Professor in Transnational Crime and Security Conor O’Reilly spoke to Elizabeth in front of a group of over 50 students from the School of Law in the Esther Simpson Building and joined a smaller group of students for lunch.
Elizabeth Kelly graduated from the School of Law in 2017 with a BA in Criminology with Criminal Law and again in 2018 Masters of Science (MSc) degree in Security and Justice with a focus on counter terrorism, and became a detective in 2022.
It was fantastic to welcome back Elizabeth Kelly for a fascinating discussion with our students. From reflections on her own time at Leeds and her career options, to discussion of what her work as a detective with Greater Manchester Police entails, to advice for those wanting to pursue a career in policing, Lizz provided real insights that will undoubtedly benefit our students.
The School of Law holds ‘Alumni Talks’ which feature a talk and Q&A session with alumni. Students who sign up to the talks are also able to give a brief explanation of why they would be particularly interested in speaking to specific alumni and those who provide the most impressive answers join the alumni and School of Law academics for a meal at University House.
Being able to sit down with a speaker over lunch was such a great experience. I was able to spend quality time networking with both Elizabeth and the other lunch attendees, all whilst having a fantastic meal! I not only met new people, but also had the time to properly get to know them, which was especially helpful in regard to finding out more about Elizabeth and what a career as a detective may look like. Overall, it was a really unique networking opportunity, which I would highly recommend to anyone!