The School of Law's Dr Carrie Bradshaw invited to participate in Government Office of Science initiative, Rebuilding a Resilient Britain: Supporting post-Covid Recovery

Dr. Bradshaw has been invited to participate in an initiative, organised by the Government Office for Science, to feed diverse and robust evidence into the government’s Covid-19 recovery strategy.
Dr. Bradshaw attended a high-level plenary session on Thursday 2 July, in which the Chief Scientific Advisor, Professor Patrick Vallance, explained the fundamental challenge to our society, economy and ways of living presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the importance of ensuring that government’s response is informed by evidence and engagement with experts and other stakeholders.
Dr Bradshaw will contribute to one of nine working groups comprising academics, policy officials and research funders. The groups will continue to meet remotely throughout the summer to highlight evidence gaps and shape future research agendas. As part of the land use working group, Dr Bradshaw’s expertise will particularly assist in the formation of approaches to changing our agricultural sector following Covid-19.
Findings and policy implications from the working groups will be presented to the Chief Scientific Advisors in mid-September.