The University of Oxford establishes two new law prizes named after University of Leeds Professor

The University of Oxford has established two law prizes named after University of Leeds Professor and Oxford alumnus Professor Surya P. Subedi QC, OBE, DCL.
Both prizes honour outstanding performance by University of Oxford law students.
The first prize is the Dr Surya Subedi Prize in Human Rights Law, to be awarded to the undergraduate student attaining the highest mark in the paper in Human Rights Law in the Final Honour School of Jurisprudence each year.
The second is the Dr Surya Subedi Prize for the DPhil in Law, to be awarded to the best doctoral thesis in the Faculty of Law each year – specifically the thesis that makes the most exciting original contribution to the relevant field of scholarship and is best-crafted in terms of organisation, style and presentation. All doctoral students in the Faculty of Law, including in Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies, will be eligible for the award of the prize.
Professor Subedi obtained a doctoral degree (DPhil) in Law with a prize in 1993 and a higher doctorate - the degree of Doctor of Civil Law (DCL) - in 2019 at the University of Oxford.