Dr Leopoldo Parada's paper about OECD's global minimum tax proposal gets attention from US-based media

Dr Parada’s paper which discusses proposals from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) for a global minimum tax has been quoted in Tax Notes.
In the Tax Notes article ‘Let’s Get Back to Basics With GLOBE Tax Proposal, Academic Says’, Dr Parada stresses the importance of considering simplicity, coherence, and ease of administration as three basic tax policy aims that should govern all tax rules, including those of the OECD Global Anti-Base Erosion proposal for global minimum taxation (GLOBE).
The GLOBE proposal is an OECD proposal that intends to act as a backstop to the OECD Pillar 1 proposal (which targets highly digitalized companies) and applies when profits are booked in a jurisdiction with a tax rate that is less than the minimum tax rate. The GLOBE proposal comprises four main components meant to act as a coordinated set of rules, which include an income inclusion rule, a switchover rule, an undertaxed payments rule, and a subject-to-tax rule.