Digital Economy, Big Data, and Competition Law: Thomas Fetzer
- Date: Tuesday 10 December 2019, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Moot Court Room
- Cost: Free
We're joined by Professor Thomas Fetzer, Professor of Public Law, Regulatory Law and Tax Law, University of Mannheim for this seminar.
Big Data and AI have become buzzwords all around the globe in the context of very different areas of law. Especially in the field of competition law there have been many academic discussions on the impact of big data on substantive competition law principles as well as on competition law enforcement.
Competition authorities around the world have commissioned reports on the potential consequences of big data for competition law. Just to mention three: First, Crémer/de Montoye/Schweitzer, Competition Policy for the Digital Era, which was prepared for the EU Commission in 2019. Second, a report by the German Bundeskartellamt together with the French Autorité de la Concurrence, Competition Law and Data (2016). Third, of course the so-called Furman Report “Unlocking digital competition”. Big data and AI will pose challenges to different fields of competition law: Collusive behavior (Art. 101 TFEU), abuse of market power (Art. 102 TFEU), and merger control. This presentation will touch on all three areas with a special focus on the relationship between big data and market power.
Professor Dr. Thomas Fetzer holds a Chair of Public Law, Regulatory Law and Tax Law at the Department of Law at the University of Mannheim. He is also Director of the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI), Director of the MannheimTaxation ScienceCampus (MaTax), and Director of the Institute of Business Law at the University of Mannheim (IURUM).
This event is free to attend, but advance booking is recommended.