Liaison Based Public Order Policing: Dialogue, Police Legitimacy and Human Rights- A Professional Development Course

The strategic and tactical approach public order policing has evolved rapidly across the last few years.

Of particular importance has been the development of ‘Liaison Officers’ as a tactical option. But how should this new tactic be used and what is its rationale, role and function? How does the new tactic relate to the science of crowd psychology and to police obligations under the law? What new learning has been developed since the new tactic has been implemented?

This one-day course has been developed specifically for public order commanders to address these important questions. Attendance will assist commanders in understanding:

a) the scientific, legal and policy rationale for the use of liaison officers during crowd events

b) the operational benefits and challenges of utilizing liaison officers as a tactical option

c) how to develop approaches to strategy, planning, command and control that enable liaison officers to deliver effective outcomes

d) how liaison officers relate to and work alongside other tactical options.

During the course a series of case studies will be explored, including a presentation from Sussex Police on the management of the ‘anti-fracking’ protests in Balcombe during 2013. The course will conclude with a series of table-top scenario based exercises, which will allow the participants to test and challenge their new knowledge.


Dr Clifford Stott (University of Leeds)

The course is part funded by the College of Policing and conducted in collaboration with West Yorkshire Police and the N8 Research Partnership.


This event will be repeated on 20th March- details remain the same.

Location Details

Room G.32
The Liberty Building
The School of Law
University of Leeds

The Liberty Building is number 16 on the campus map.