Intellectual Property Law and Access to Medicines: TRIPS Agreement, Health, and Pharmaceuticals

Join us for this virtual conference which has been co-organised by Centre for Business Law and Practice (Leeds) and the Center for Law and Intellectual Property (Texas).

This virtual conference brings together scholars, activists, policymakers, and industry actors to examine a wide variety of cross-cutting legal issues on intellectual property, pharmaceutical and trade law in the edited volume Intellectual Property Law and Access to Medicines: TRIPS Agreement, Health, and Pharmaceuticals (Routledge, 2021).

It is jointly organised by the Centre for Business Law and Practice at the School of Law, University of Leeds, UK and the Center for Law and Intellectual Property at Texas A&M University School of Law, USA.


13:00 Welcoming Addresses Introducing the Book

Prof Sri Ragavan, Texas A&M University School of Law

Dr Amaka Vanni, University of Leeds, UK

13:20 Keynote Address

Prof Anthony Taubman, Director, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement & Competition Division, World Trade Organization

13:30 Changes in International Norm Setting Post-COVID

Chair Prof. Srividhya Ragavan & Peter Yu, Texas A&M University School of Law

Panellists Prof Bryan Mercurio, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof Antony Taubman, World Trade Organization

Prof Carlos Correa, South Centre Geneva

Dr Susan Isiko Strba, International Lawyers and Economists for Development (IlED)

14:30 Break

14:45 G20, State Action and Global Public Health

Chair Prof Graham Dutfield & Dr Amaka Vanni, University of Leeds

Panellists Prof Jorge Bermudez, National School of Public Health (Fiocruz), Brazil

Prof Caroline Ncube, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Dr Mike Palmedo, American University (Washington D.C)

15:45 Break

16:00 WTO in Post COVID Era

Chair Prof Doris Long, University of Illinois Chicago

Prof Brook Baker, Northeastern University

Panellists Prof Peter Yu

Dr Burcu Kilic, Research Director, Global Citizen

Prof Janewa Osei-Tutu, Florida International University

Dr Marcela Viera, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

17: 00 Closing Remarks

Prof. Srividhya Ragavan, Texas A&M University School of Law

Joining details

All welcome. This is a free event that will be held via zoom, though registration is required via Eventbrite.