Attorney General visits the School of Law to speak to students about legal careers in the Government

The Attorney General is chief legal adviser to the Crown and has a number of independent public interest functions, as well as overseeing the Law Officers’ departments.
On Friday 27 January 2023, the UK Attorney General, Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP, and Director of the Government Legal Department’s Commercial Group, Justinia Lewis, spoke to students at the School of Law about legal careers in Government.
Alex Batesmith, Lecturer in Legal Profession and Director of Employability in the School of Law said of the visit, “The School was delighted to welcome the Attorney General to talk about her role as a government lawyer and the wider work of the Government Legal Department. Our students benefit tremendously from engaging with senior legal professionals in this way, not only inspiring them to consider a career in the law, but also to hear first-hand how the law functions within society and, in the case of the GLD, at the heart of government.”
It was wonderful to meet with students at the University of Leeds interested in pursuing a career in law. I am passionate about promoting careers in the GLD to the future generation of lawyers and encouraged them to look at the Government Legal Department’s trainee programme.