
Results 346 to 350 of 594 in Research and expertise

Professor Pinar Akman was an invited speaker at the European Data Summit held in Berlin on 23-25 October 2019.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Professor Clive Walker comments on Assange’s argument that US charges against him are ‘political’ and a bar to his extradition.

people walking

Established in 2014 the Centre marks its anniversary with a series of exciting events to showcase its work and achievements over the past five years.

Dr Paul Wragg has contributed to an article on media law, focusing on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s recently filed legal action against the Daily Mail, the Sun and the Mirror newspapers.

Konstantinos Stylianou

Dr Konstantinos Stylianou and Dr Nicolo Zingales were among the winners of Facebook’s content policy research awards.