Professor Graham Farrell and PhD researcher Emily Sheard quoted in Guardian article asking “Would Covid masks help criminals get away with it?”
Kent Police say there has been a “rise in suspects using face coverings to mask identity".
Professor Surya Subedi interviewed by “Counsel” as an inspiring legal personality
The article titled “Legal Personality – The International Human Rights Jurist: Surya Subedi QC” features in the April edition of “Counsel” – the monthly journal of the Bar of England and Wales.
School of Law's Cerebra Pro Bono Research Programme receives positive feedback from student volunteers
Cerebra is a children’s charity concerned with improving the lives of children with neurological conditions and their families.
PhD researcher Natasha Gooden invited to speak at international conference
The conference organised by Adamas University, India, on 'Global ramification on international human rights: challenges and the way forward' was held virtually over Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 April.
Dr Subhajit Basu co-authors research into the dangers of automated vehicles
An article on the research published in 'Humanities and Social Sciences Communications' – one of Nature’s prestigious publications – explores the legal issues surrounding automated vehicles.