Alumni Supper – International Criminal Law – Stephen Kay QC
- Date: Friday 24 November 2017
- Location: Liberty Building (Moot Court) LT (1.28)
- Cost: -
On 24 November we will welcome back to the School Stephen Kay QC - Head of Chambers at 9 Bedford Row and a leading international and UK criminal lawyer.
This semester we are re-launching the School of Law Alumni Supper series:
1 November – Commercial Law
6 November – Family Law
24 November – International Criminal Law
At each event we will welcome back alumni from broad areas of practise such as commercial or criminal law and invite them to speak to you about ‘life after Leeds’, their career path to date, and their current roles.
Each former student will speak for approximately 10 minutes before the floor is then opened to questions. Following the structured start to the evenings, all guests, including current students, alumni and staff will then be invited to chat informally and network over drinks and light finger food.
There will also be an opportunity at each event for a group of pre-notified students to attend dinner with our alumni visitors and staff representatives after the session (details to be found on the registration forms).
24 November – International Criminal Law
On 24 November we will welcome back to the School Stephen Kay QC - Head of Chambers at 9 Bedford Row and a leading international and UK criminal lawyer. Stephen is a keen supporter of the School and has attended a number of alumni events in recent years. He is particularly interested in returning to the School this autumn and speaking with our current students.
Stephen Kay QC
Stephen has a global reputation and has been in many of the landmark cases that have established modern international criminal law. He has represented Heads of State, leading Military figures and Civilians in high profile and complex international trials. His cases demonstrate his depth of experience and the quality of the work for which he has been hired. In the case of President Kenyatta at the ICC, he produced a result that changed the shape of African politics. Steven’s international practice includes advising Governments and organisations upon international legal issues, many of them with a political aspect: see submissions to the OISL upon the conflict in Sri Lanka with the LTTE; reports upon the Muslim Brotherhood for the Egypt State Litigation Authority. Certain advisory work is not in the public domain and is necessarily confidential.