Hong Kongers, Ukrainians and the coloniality of migration and citizenship: new humanitarian visas and the making of ‘good migrants’ for ‘Global Britain’
Join us for this special seminar, led by Professor Michaela Benson.
"If liquid modern life is rubbish, what should we do about it? Sociological fragments": Faculty Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Mark Davis
Join us at the seventh lecture in the Faculty of Social Sciences Inaugural Lecture Series!
Sociology for the Climate Crisis: Speculation, Fiction, Futures
In this edition of the SSP School Seminar Series, Dr Lisa Garforth (Newcastle University), considers sociology in relation to the climate crisis.
Public Lecture: Authoritarianism, Militarisation and Policing: A “Police Palimpsest”?
This public lecture is jointly hosted by the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Leeds and the ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre.
Solidarity, Science Education, and ‘Anticipatory Dis-obedience’ in the Trumpocene
Professor Sara Tolbert, Professor of Science Education Monash University, will be speaking about her work - all are welcome to attend.
Catriona McKinnon on climate justice
Join us for an exciting lecture hosted by the Centre for Contemporary Political Theory!
- One day event
- Reoccuring events