Tracking children in their best interests - Eszter Parkanyi
- Date: Wednesday 13 February 2019, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Liberty Building SR (G.28)
- Type: Seminars and lectures
- Cost: Free
The project 'Tracking Children in their Best Interests' aims to study the implementation of electronic monitoring measures in the juvenile justice systems of three European jurisdictions.
The use of electronic monitoring (EM) is widespread in the European criminal justice systems and continues to expand into new legal areas and use new technologies. Children and young people involved in the criminal justice system have different and distinct needs and should be treated as a special group requiring particular safeguards when EM is used. Law, policy and practice and the technologies should be designed to work in together to ensure that EM serves the best interests of children.
This paper will focus on the interplay between the legal requirements and available technologies. It seeks to understand how they are mutually supportive and which opportunities and limitations should be considered when using EM technologies as assistive tools at different stages of the criminal justice system. Examples will be provided from three jurisdictions: England and Wales, Hungary and the Netherlands.
The discussion will inform into the fieldwork which will interview EM stakeholders and children and young people in the three jurisdictions.
The project 'Tracking Children in their Best Interests' aims to study the implementation of electronic monitoring measures in the juvenile justice systems of three European jurisdictions (England and Wales, Hungary and the Netherlands), and to investigate how these respond to the needs and perceptions of children. The research addresses both legal and criminological aspects of electronic monitoring, using primarily qualitative research methods.
For more information please visit the Tracking Children in their Best Interests project website.
About the speaker
Dr. Eszter Parkanyi joined the University of Leeds as a Research Assistant in February 2017 before receiving a Marie Curie grant to conduct research on electronic monitoring of children in 2018. My current research project started on 1 July.
I obtained my PhD from the Eötvös Loránd University in 2017. My thesis provided a comparative analysis on European juvenile justice systems, focusing to the implementation of children’s rights’ requirements. Before joining the University of Leeds I worked with several non-governmental organisations in Hungary and in the Netherlands.
Please register here for Eszter's talk.
Location details
School of Law
Liberty Building
University of Leeds
For sat navs, please use the postcode for Moorland Road, LS6 1AN.
The Liberty Building can also be found on the campus map.
All welcome. This is a free event, though registration is required.
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