Young People and the Disabled People’s Movement - Miro Griffiths
- Date: Wednesday 21 November 2018, 16:30 – 18:00
- Location: Social Sciences Building
- Type: Postgraduate research, Seminars and lectures
- Cost: Free
Miro will present on his research which explores young disabled people's experiences and views of the Disabled People's Movement.
The Centre for Disability Studies is delighted to announce the latest in their Conversations series.
Miro will provide insight into his doctoral research, which explores young disabled people's experiences and views on participating within the Disabled People's Movement. The research highlights the challenges encountered by young disabled people as they attempt to have an active role within the Movement. The presentation will focus on respondents' insights in three particular areas: challenges related to membership of the Movement, challenges related to the organisation of the Movement, and future considerations that will affect the sustainability of the Movement.
About the speaker
Miro Griffiths is a Teaching Fellow in Disability Studies at the University of Leeds. He is an advisor to the Equality and Human Rights Commission and works with a number of Disabled People's Organisations to address the extensive marginalisation encountered by disabled people.
Please register here for Miro's talk.
Location details
SR 12.21/25
Social Sciences Building
University of Leeds
The Social Sciences Building can be found on the campus map.
All welcome. This is a free event, though registration is required.
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