CCJS and CGSC Seminar: Criminalised Peace

- Date: Tuesday 5 December 2023, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Liberty Building, Boardroom 2.42
- Cost: Free
A seminar on Criminalized Peace by Eva Magdalena Stambøl, co-hosted by the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies and the Centre for Global Security Challenges.
Abstract: In this seminar, Eva Magdalena Stambøl will present preliminary results from the research project she currently leads, entitled ‘Criminalised Peace’ (funded by the Research Council of Norway) which explores how and under what conditions the internationally driven fight against transnational organised crime supports or undermines peace processes. Focussing on the contexts of Colombia and Mali, this seminar looks at how illicit economies and (externally driven) crime wars influence armed conflict dynamics and peacebuilding, as well as how organised crime and justice are negotiated in peace processes,
Bio: Eva Magdalena Stambøl is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo. Her research is in the intersection of International Relations and Criminology, and focuses on international crime control policies, internal security issues in external relations, transnational criminal justice, and extra-legal governance. Much of her work has explored how the fight against criminalized security issues (eg, transnational organised crime, migrant smuggling, and drug trafficking) is increasingly permeating the European Union’s foreign policy and external relations, and how European crime definitions, policies and control models travel to third countries as part of EU aid, foreign policy missions and development assistance. She has explored these topics through field research in Senegal, Mali, Niger and EU institutions in Brussels.
This seminar is co-hosted by the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies and the Centre for Global Security Challenges.
Registration: This is a free event but registration is required. Please sign up here.