CBLP Conference - Developments in Insolvency Law

- Date: Friday 13 May 2022, 14:30 – 19:30
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
University of Leeds Inaugural Conference on Recent Developments in Insolvency Law Reflections on the Pandemic and Brexit
On 13 May 2022, the University of Leeds School of Law’s Centre for Business Law and Practice (CBLP), directed by Professor Peter Whelan, hosted its Inaugural Conference on Recent Developments in Insolvency Law.
The conference focused on the recent tendencies and developments related to Brexit, in particular from a cross-border perspective, as well as on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on insolvency law and regulation from an interdisciplinary perspective. A keynote talk was followed by three panels on corporate, banking, and sovereign insolvency and debt respectively.
A recording of the event is available on Zoom.
The Conference Report is available here.
Welcome note and keynote speech [time in the video recording]
Opening by Professor Peter Whelan [00:00:00-00:03:15]
Introduction of keynote speaker by Dr Virág Blazsek [00:03:16-00:04:04]
Keynote by Professor Richard Squire [00:04:05-00:32:57]
Q/A with keynote speaker [00:32:58-00:39:22]
Information on the conference and introduction of Panel 1 - Corporate Insolvency by Dr Oriana Casasola [00:39:23-00:43:14]
Sarah Patterson, Professor of Law, London School of Economics, London, UK [00:43:15-01:00:32]
Dr Oriana Casasola [01:00:33-01:00:54]
Stephan Madaus, Professor of Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Insolvency Law, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany [01:00:55-01:19:32]
Dr Oriana Casasola [01:19:33-01:20:38]
Tibor Tajti, Professor of International Business Law, Central European University, Private University, Vienna, Austria [01:20:39-01:38:02]
Q/A with Panel 1 [01:38:03-02:16:29]
Introduction of Panel 2 - Banking Insolvency by Dr Virág Blazsek [02:16:30-02:19:50]
Mario Tamez, Senior Counsel, Legal Department, IMF, Washington, DC [02:19:51-02:35:53]
Dr Virág Blazsek [02:35:54-02:36:52]
Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez, Assistant Professor of Law and Head of the Singapore Global Restructuring Initiative, Singapore Management University, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore [02:36:53-03:02:15]
Dr Virág Blazsek [03:02:16-03:02:48]
Julia Suderow, Associate Professor, University of Deusto Faculty of Law, Bilbao, Spain [03:02:49-03:24:35]
Q/A with Panel 2 [03:24:36-03:31:30]
Introduction of Panel 3 - Sovereign Debt by Dr Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima [03:31:41-03:36:21]
Celine Tan, Reader in Law, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK [03:36:22 (through end of recording 1) - 00:12:58 (in recording 2)]
Dr Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima [00:12:59-00:13:57]
Richard Kozul-Wright, Director of the Division of Globalisation and Development, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland [00:13:58-00:29:41]
Dr Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima [00:29:42-00:31:35]
Matthias Goldmann, Professor of International Law, ESB Universität and Max Planck Institute Heidelberg, Germany [00:31:36-00:45:09]
Q/A with Panel 3 [00:45:10-01:26:20]
Closing remarks by Dr Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima [01:26:21-01:29:03]