Cheryl Harris
- Position: Leeds Social Sciences Institute Manager
- Email: C.A.Harris@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 8468
I am the LSSI Manager and have an overseeing role for LSSI’s activities. In particular, I am closely involved with the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account and the PGR Placement Scheme.
I have worked at the University since 2006; previously working in the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine and Health. I have worked with postgraduate students and academics as the Manager of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Tissue Engineering and more recently I have been responsible for the day-to-day management of the NIHR Global Health Research Group in Surgical Technologies and coordinated activities for the programme with academics and stakeholders in the UK, India and Sierra Leone.
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Social Science Institute